Season 10 (2019-2020) of wacky-family-centric cartoon series Bob's Burgers (Fox) has offered viewers two delightful reptile-positive episodes. Besides one show featuring Pizzilla, the "fearsome-kaiju-that-looks-like-an-oversized-gecko-with-an-overbite" that anchors the story Gene invents to inspire discouraged handyman Teddy (episode 19, "The Handyman Can"), there is a truly heartening episode featuring real (if animated) reptiles. Episode 17, "Just The Trip," sees the entire Belcher family help take an escape-artist snake to an animal sanctuary, to help out a cab driver they've befriended. We all know what happens....But the gentle, friendly creature, which terrifies everyone, is treated with respect and concern, and ultimately finds its way to a happy home. If you don't follow this show regularly, it's worth a look!